Our roots date back to a local Dodge dealership in Brooklyn, New York called Goldring Motors, located near the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Two young WWII combat veterans from the dealership founded the overseas military sales program, now known as Military AutoSource, shortly after the war.
Our Philosophy
We are a highly skilled, professional sales and marketing organization operating worldwide to sell cars, trucks and motorcycles directly to the military consumer. That’s why we put such tremendous emphasis on the quality and support of our Sales Force.
We sell through highly trained and well-rewarded Independent Sales Representatives and we do everything we can to ensure they are the best in the world, capable of servicing the special needs of our special market!
A privilege of serving in the US military is access to special military pricing from many car, truck and motorcycle manufacturers.
Thanks to our logistical expertise, innovative recruiting and training, and most importantly a great team of salespeople, support staff and leadership, Military AutoSource has become the premier automobile distributor in this market of over 400,000 service members and their families.
Military AutoSource goes where our customers go…Germany, Italy, the tropics of Guam or to the deserts of Afghanistan – even on aircraft carriers. We’re located on U.S. military installations and select locations in over 30 countries where we represent: